A post-internet artist using Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram as raw materials, Fornieles collapses the distinction between the online and the offline worlds by translating web-based art into sculpture and performance.

A former data analyst, Fornieles uses real-time information from news feeds and social media to explore contemporary power structures, all with an underlying satire and excess. His so-called “Facebook sitcom,” Dorm Daze, created Facebook profiles for three fictional characters who interacted based on general instructions from the artist, resulting in an organic, engagement-based, contentgenerating performance. The artist called Dorm Dazean act of “social media terrorism” for the way his fictional profiles ever-so-slightly corrupted Facebook’s analytics and data. Similarly, Fornieles’ “Modern Family” series questions aspirational home decor and contemporary notions of domestic bliss, using interior objects to reflect, represent, and refresh familial stereotypes and the American Dream.