
Tyler Kaufman INSTAGRAM | Adele Tilouine INSTAGRAM | WEBSITE


TakT is the name of the collaboration between science artist Adele Tilouine (Paris, France) and sound designer and composer Tyler Kaufman (Los Angeles. USA/Paris, France). In April 2019, Tilouine and Kaufman met in Paris, where through conversation and debate they decided they wanted to create philosophical artistic experiences mixing new technologies with science advancements. TakT is the result of this interdisciplinary and international exploration.


-November-December Collective show with the association Les Amis du Salon d’Automne/ Galerie Etienne de Causans/ Paris

-November Art residency and creation of the exhibition Héros Cellulaires with the students of GLFL/ Grand Lycée Franco Libanais/ Beyruth/ Lebannon

-November 3rd prize of the Minimalist Design Contest organized /MyProfilArt and Huawei / Paris

-November Caritative Art Auction at Drouot for an orphanage in Nepal managed by Donnez-leurs des ailes France- Népal/ Paris

-October Salon d’Automne/ Paris (Awarded)

-September Salon international Arbustes/ Mantes-la-Jolie (Awarded)

-April/May Collective show/ Galerie Etienne de Causans/ Paris

-March/May 2019 Mythologie Cellulaire/ Library of Lille University / Villeneuve-d’Ascq

-March Collective show with the art association Les Amis du Salon d’Automne/Galerie Etienne de Causans/ Paris

-October SISOAAGA/ Villa Gambini/ Ouagadougou/ Burkina Faso

-May Uniti dalla Mail Art/ Villa Baruchello/Porto SanElpidio/ Italia

-April/December White Gallery/ Paris 18e

-January/December Collective show/ Lady Di Jewellery/ 92160 Sceaux

-November/ January 2019 Mythologie Cellulaire/ LILLIAD / Villeneuve-d’Ascq

-November Caritative Art Auction at Drouot for an orphanage in Nepal managed by Donnez-leurs des ailes France- Népal/ Paris

-October Salon d’Automne/ Paris

-September Salon International Arbustes/ Mantes-la-Jolie (Awarded)


Email: takt.zeitt[@]gmail.com