pauline batista


Pauline Batista & Madeleine Stack | Fatal Softness, 2017 | HD video and two-channel sound, 8:42

Pauline Batista & Madeleine Stack | Fatal Softness, 2017 | HD video and two-channel sound, 8:42



Born in 1988 in Rio de Janeiro, Pauline Batista is now based in London. She graduated from USC in 2010 with a degree in International Relations and completed an MFA at Goldsmith University in 2017. Her degree show series, The Algorithm Will See You Now, helped her get selected as an “artist to watch” by Elephant Art Magazine.

The artist works across mediums, as her research-based practice extends from a background in photography further into space via sculptures, installations, film and sonic environments. She questions the impulse to render information, bodies and the ‘quantified self’ transparent. Investigating the growing obsession to dissect our bodies while raising the question of what happens when every aspect of our lives is documented and catalogued for ulterior profit?

In 2018 the artist was part of Representatives exhibition and conference on Women in Transition at Oxford University and in She Performs, a platform for “female artists to show work and discuss current social issues surrounding the questions of feminism and gender relations”. This year the artist was in residency at ARTELES in Finland and is currently continuing her research on pink noise frequency at Residency Unlimited (RU) in New York.